Sunday, September 28, 2008


I believe everyone has their own story to tell...
Everyone is unique with all sorts of different experiences they had throughout their lives.

Some stories are filled with happiness, some with sadness...
Some are inspiring, some are dramatic...

I believe there is a need for everyone of us to express ourselves,
to tell our stories, or whatever that we are thinking inside our mind...
Just like breathing, eating, resting... it is a part of our lives, a necessity for us to keep living.
Hoping someone out there would listen to our crap...

Some people are just so articulate to express themselves through words they speak;
some people use music, either sing it out or by instruments;
some people can dance it out...
and what more and more people are doing today,
we write it out...
we BLOG it out :)

Hope you enjoy my stories.


Summersby said...

your crap is not bad at all .....
write more.

elving said...

Thanks. Your crap is good too! LOL!

Simon Seow said...

Congrats on your blog opening. Sau mai, sau mai.

elving said...

hehe thanks. not sau mai sau mai lah... soft launch only mah. not yet grand opening :D

daydreymer said...

Welcome :) Looking forward to your many other entries!